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肉松香肠面包 Dry pork floss and sausage bread

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肉松香肠面包 Dry pork floss and sausage bread的做法步骤图



肉松 dry pork floss 适量
高筋面粉 flour 300g
黄油 butter 45g
酵母 yeast 5g
盐 salt 3g
水 water 适量
白糖 sugar 40g
鸡蛋 egg 1个
牛奶 milk 适量
香肠粒 sausage 适量
沙拉酱 salad dressing 适量
香葱粒 onion 适量

肉松香肠面包 Dry pork floss and sausage bread的做法  

  1. 把面粉,酵母,白糖,盐,鸡蛋,牛奶放在一起揉成团,再把黄油放入,揉到出膜。Put flour, yeast, sugar, salt, egg, milk together and make a dough, later put butter inside and make it smooth.

    肉松香肠面包 Dry pork floss and sausage bread的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. 放到温暖的地方等待发酵,等到面团发到两倍大。Later leave the dough in a warm place for fermentation. Wait until the dough grow for twice the size.

    肉松香肠面包 Dry pork floss and sausage bread的做法步骤图 第3张
  3. 发酵完毕把面团分为九个小团,盖上保鲜膜,松弛15分钟。Separate the big dough into 9 small doughs after the fermentation. Wait for 15 minutes more.

    肉松香肠面包 Dry pork floss and sausage bread的做法步骤图 第4张
  4. 把小团擀开,放入肉松和香肠粒然后从上到下卷起来。Put dry pork floss and sausage inside each small dough, and roll up from top to bottom.

    肉松香肠面包 Dry pork floss and sausage bread的做法步骤图 第5张
  5. 放入烤盘等待第二次发酵,发到面团两倍大。Put all the doughs inside oven and Wait until the dough grow for twice the size again.

    肉松香肠面包 Dry pork floss and sausage bread的做法步骤图 第6张
  6. 然后在面包上刷上蛋液,放上香葱,香肠粒和沙拉酱。Later put egg yolk on the dough, also put onion, sausage and salad dressing on it .

    肉松香肠面包 Dry pork floss and sausage bread的做法步骤图 第7张
  7. 预热烤箱130°吧面包放入烤箱烤20分钟左右取出。Put all the breads inside 130° oven bake about 20 minutes then take it out.

    肉松香肠面包 Dry pork floss and sausage bread的做法步骤图 第8张
  8. 最后就开吃了!Itadakimasu!🤗 Now let’s eat it !!

    肉松香肠面包 Dry pork floss and sausage bread的做法步骤图 第9张
#Dry #Bread #pork #Sausage #Floss